The b-lynch suture was successful in 71% of patients.29 Whereas a study conducted in Mumbai India by Nidhi kalkal showed that the procedure was successful in 100% of the cases


  • Asif Naeem Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro


Also in studies done by Ge J and GUO YN success rate was 92% and 90.9 % respectively.27,28  Thus uterine packing with an abdominal sponge or gynae gauze has proved to be an effective method for preventing  PPH. B- Lynch was applied in 8 patients and bleeding was arrested in 6/8 (75%) patients. In a study conducted in Singapore, the b-lynch suture was successful in 71% of patients.29 Whereas a study conducted in Mumbai India by Nidhi kalkal showed that the procedure was successful in 100% of the cases.30 Internal iliac ligation was done in 1 (1.4%) patients which were not successful in our setup. VM Joshi in 2007 in India demonstrated that internal iliac artery ligation for arresting postpartum hemorrhage was successful in only 39% of cases.31

Timely recognition and intervention are fundamental in preventing serious maternal morbidity and mortality from massive PPH. A combination of conservative therapies is adequate and successful in most cases. However, when the hemorrhagic process continues and when either clotting abnormalities or hemodynamic instability develop, the next step must be an invasive intervention.32,33




How to Cite

Asif Naeem. (2022). The b-lynch suture was successful in 71% of patients.29 Whereas a study conducted in Mumbai India by Nidhi kalkal showed that the procedure was successful in 100% of the cases. Pakistan Medical and Dental Journal (PMDJ), 1(1). Retrieved from

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