Pakistan Medical and Dental Journal (PMDJ): Announcements <p>Pakistan Medical and Dental Journal (PMDJ) is an open access peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary medical journal published biannually. It publishes scholarly work from medical, dental, allied health sciences, medical education, and biomedical sciences. It is devoted to publishing the recent advances in research, emphasizing clarity of presentation and precision of the data. It publishes editorials, original research articles, systematic review &amp; meta-analysis, KAP (Knowledge, Attitude, Practices) studies, review articles, systematic review articles, photo essays, case reports, recent advances, adverse drug reports, current practices, short communications, and audit reports. Studies more than three years old at the time of submission are not entertained as per journal policy. Any study ending three years before the date of submission is judged by the Editorial Board for its suitability as many changes take place over the time period, subject to the area of the study.</p> <p><strong>Frequency of Publication</strong></p> <p>PMDJ is published biannually.</p> <p>1st Issue - June</p> <p>2nd Issue – December</p> <p><strong>Article submission, processing and publication charges:</strong></p> <p>There are no article submission, processing, and publication charges.</p> en-US Sat, 11 Jun 2022 23:03:02 +0000 OJS 60